Thursday 19 April 2012

Sustainability and why!

There are many important things to us ate M&J Seafood. Great quality fish/seafood and a great service are two very important parts of our business but there is one vital part of our business that is just as important.....  Sustainability!

This topic is very important to myself, M&J Seafood and to many of our customers.

Why? There is no easy solution. Our challenge - fishermen to markets to suppliers to chefs to consumers – is to make the best informed decisions each and every day. These choices have no definitive ‘right or wrong’ guidelines, but at M&J Seafood they underline our approach to business and our commitment to responsible sourcing and sustainability, ensuring we meet today’s needs while protecting tomorrow’s.

We are proud suppliers to Mr Raymond Blanc's restaurants across the UK and in his very own words ;

“Every good chef wants to be responsible about his sourcing of ingredients, from the point of view of sustainability as well as that of quality. I’m delighted that M&J Seafood take their responsibility of our fish stocks so seriously” 

I think Mr Blanc has got it spot on! We need to look after tomorrow.... its our future, our kids and their kids futures and sourcing sustainable produce is one way we can protect these futures. Not just me, M&J Seafood or chef's, but you, yes you!

Recently, I had a request for smoked eel and conga eel. Unfortunately, these species have now become endangered and are no longer sustainable. So, as part of our (M&J Seafood) commitment to sustainability, we have removed these items from our product list. This is great evidence that we take sustainability seriously. We could get these products.... but we won't! A very important and  brave stance, I think, but one I totally agree with.

So you can also be safe in the knowledge, that all of our products are sustainable as M&J Seafood are 100% committed to sustainability .

Check out a list of some of our sustainable favourites .

Thank you again for reading my post and hope that you have enjoyed it or/and taken some knowledge from it. For more on M&J Seafood and sustainability, check out our website or contact me direct.

Thanks again


*Please click all the links to view information about sustainability and our products.

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