Tuesday 15 May 2012

Now that's what I call great fish...

Tagged Wild Sea Bass
Day Boat "Skin Deeper"
The crew of the "Skin Deeper" have been out catching more outstanding rod and line-caught Sea Bass. Once caught, the fish are placed into ice water to allow them to slowly drift off. This process reduces any stress and gives us one of the finest fish you will ever taste.

Red Mullet, Black Bream, Pout, Dover Sole, Sea Bass, Ray and Plaice 
Day Boat "Jessica Lynn"
Tom Russell and his crew landed a great selection of fish last night; the Dover Sole season is drawing to a close so grab these stunning fish while they are still being landed.

Monkfish, Lemon Sole, Squid, Black Bream and Plaice 
Great selection of quality South Coast fish bought mainly from day boats landing in to Plymouth market this morning - including some stunning Plaice available from all branches for tonight’s despatch.

Dover Sole, Lemon Sole and Gurnard 
Landings are quiet on Newlyn market at the moment but our man on the spot has managed to pick us out the finest fish once again. Today's catch landed from the RFS vessels - "Crystal Sea" and "Imogen".

Small & Medium Mackerel 
'Chesil Beach, Portland'
Available small (butterfly fillets) and whole medium. This fantastic net caught Mackerel is the best you'll find! Nothing more than man power to catch these beauties, two rowing boats, a big net and pure brawn from this family owned business. They have been doing it this way since World War Two..... Its just too good to miss out!

Now that's what I call great fish....

All these fish have been landed today, ready for ordering and delivery from tomorrow morning. Call us now, to secure beautiful fresh fish... Click Here: Your Local M&J Seafood Branch

We look forward to hearing from you soon!


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