Friday 22 June 2012

Pan Fried Mackerel Recipe....

This gorgeous recipe is courtesy of The Curry Guy (Twitter: @TheCurryGuy)

Whenever I go out deep sea fishing I end up wishing I hadn’t. The sea and I just don’t go well together. I don’t mind big ships but the rocking of the small fishing boats tends to get the best – or should I say worst or me.
I’ve tried sea sickness tablets, grated ginger and not eating before I go out but in the end it’s always a nightmare.
That is except for the great fresh seafood we catch. More often than not, the bulk of our catch is mackerel. If I’m still feeling alright we kill and chop some of the fish right out of the sea and dip the mackerel pieces raw into soy sauce and wasabi paste. Talk about gorgeous!
Mackerel is a fish few people like to prepare. I think this is mainly because it looks like a bony fish. It really isn’t though. It’s quite easy to cook and eat.

When making this pan fried mackerel recipe,
be sure to source the freshest fish you can find!

I’ll keep attempting deep sea fishing. Someday I may finally admit defeat and call it quits. But I sure would miss the beach BBQs my friends and I have afterwards.
This recipe is similar to what we cook up on the beach afterward. I’ve given pan frying instructions but of course you could throw them on the barbecue. This recipe is nice enjoyed with a glass of Pinot or ice cold beer.
You will need string for this recipe.
Serves 4
4 whole mackerel gutted and headed.
4 tablespoon olive oil
Zest of one lime
2 limes
1 tablespoon garlic puree
1 tablespoon ginger puree
2 fresh green chillies finely chopped (optional)
1 teaspoon red chilli flakes
1 tablespoon cumin
Salt and black pepper to taste
Squeeze the juice of one of the limes equally over the fish.
Rub the fish inside and out with the garlic and ginger purees and then sprinkle all over with the red chilli flakes, cumin and salt and pepper.
Slice the other lime thinly and stuff into the cavities with the lime zest and green chillies if using. Then tie the bodies shut with string and allow to sit for about 20 minutes.
Now heat the olive oil in a non stick frying pan.
Place the tied mackerels in the hot oil and fry for about 3 or 4 minutes per side. The skin will turn nice and crispy and go form shiny silver to a nice golden brown.
I served this pan fried mackerel with a homemade naga chilli chutney. You might also like to try my green chilli chutney or even serve the fish with a nice tomato chutney.

Get the best Mackerel at M&J Seafood! Hand & Net caught exclusively for M&J Seafood at Chesil Beach, Portland. Sea to Delivery in 24 hours!

Find your local branch HERE

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